Centaur rocket exhaust plume

In the evening of September 27th, a Centaur rocket burned it’s upper stage for a de-orbit. The resulting exhaust plume showed up on the all-sky camera. Very very low in the North (top side of the frame) there are three frames that captured it while going north, disappearing below the horizon.

A little Seahorse in the sky

This is an image of “Barnard 150”, a dark cloud of dust and gas that becomes visible aginst the majestic backdrop of milky way stars and nebulosity. When you turn the image 90° CW then the shape resembles a little seahorse, turning it’s head to the right.

The image was made during two nights 7 and 8 September 2021, using the SharpStar 76mm @ F4,5 and the ASI2600mc, 201x120s or 402 minutes (about 8 hours) under a less-then-optimal sky, bad transparency and sqm 20 so Bortle class 5 or 6 sky.


Barnard 150

made during two nightsBarnard 150

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