Nikkor 180mm Tele

I purchased this tele for astronomy purposes. It’s a pre-AIS lens from the early seventies, labeled “ED”.

Check all my images made with it below. Usually I have an external IDAS LPS attached which brings the lens to F3.5, however I’m not sure what this does to the star quality.

There will be no diffraction spikes if the lens itself is set to F 2.8. However I tempt to use F4 or even F5.6 to increase sharpeness. I find focusing difficult as the exact focus point for infinity is not matching the visual best point when using live view to focus. This particular lens also has a tendence to sag away, loosing focus. So it needs to be clamped against a dovetail or equivalent fixture.

It has some residual blue-purple chromatic abberation in the corners

See all further comments on the excellent article that Jerry Lodriguss made:

Nikkor 180mm F4 corner across a fullframe field Nikon D750
Nikkor 180mm F5.6corner across a fullframe field Nikon D750
Nikkor 200mm F4 corner across a fullframe field Nikon D750
Nikkor 200mm F4 Vignetting across a fullframe field Nikon D750: lots of it!
Nikkor 180mm F5.6 Vignetting across a fullframe field Nikon D750: almost none!
Nikkor 180mm F2.8 Vignetting across a fullframe field Nikon D750: lots of it!
Nikkor 180mm F4 Vignetting across a fullframe field Nikon D750
Nikkor 180mm F2.8 corner full frame



























Nikkor 200mm F4 corner across a fullframe field Nikon D750






















































Images with this lens:

B33 22/11/2014 using the Nikkor 180mm ED with an APS Nikon D5100 Unmodded @ F4 ISO 400 6x180s no LPS. Crop of the corner frame (APS)
Afbeelding bewaard met ingebedde instellingen.
With an IDAS D1 as front filter: the star shape is badly affected
On the EQ8 tracking with an MGEN II
Without any filters
RAW frame unprocessed

M45 Nikon 180mm ED F5.6 D750 6u 400ISO SQM2015 Meldert Oct2018 NoFilter 66% JPG
M31 Andromeda 141×60 ISO400 Nikkor 180mm ED tF 5.6 racked on a EQ8 with Lacerta MGEN II and SW8x50mm Moon 50% in the sky



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