A widefield view of the Orion nebula M42. 36 minutes with the ASI2600MC and the Sharpstar 76mm F 4,5 , subs of 5s, 30s and 60s ; all subs stacked together in AstroPixelProcessor.

The Flaming Star Nebula and M38, and some more hydrogen nebulosity, are clearly visible in this Auriga wide field. It is a re-processing with PixInsight and Photoshop combined. This version is not downsized in resolution, so a 100% version 1:1 (also on Astrobin).
This is one of my earlier attempts to work with PI. Obviously something went wrong here, I needed to shrink the image to 33%, to keep it a bit decent. the left white point was clipped, and on a 100% level noise and stars and lots of stuff went wrong. Anyhow, not too posh to show it.
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