Solar System Photography: Comets

Tsuchinshan-Atlas April 28th, 2024. C14 F7 30X60S 2600mm
Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF on January 28th, 2023 ; 197x15s ISO1600 Nikon D750 TS76EDPH FL 342mm
Neowise 50mm Nikon F4 10s ISO800 Hoegaarden Nikon D750
Nikon 180mm DSS Not exactly a prime example of comet processing but anyway… .
Giacobini 2018.
Comet Lovejoy 2015.
Comet ISON 2013 20 November 7hr07m MET picture taking from tripod in Spa
Comet Lovejoy January 2015
April 7th 2016: comet LINEAR 252/P and globular cluster M14 135mm F2.8 Nikon D5100 34x 30″ on ISO800 IDAS LPS D1 Meldert
Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak was visisble during spring 2017. This picture was taken in Grandpré (France) with the small 65mm APO and the NIKON D750. The red hue is due to clouds passing by during the capture.
Comet 252P LINEAR APR2016 180mmF4 Nikon D5100 800ISO 14x180s
Comet Lovejoy 2015
Comet Jacques August 2014 in Cepheus 200mm 5x120s ISO 800 Nikon D5100
Comet Jacques August 2014 in Cepheus 200mm single shot 120s ISO 800 Nikon D5100
Comet Hale-Bopp during spring 1997. I was not an active astrophotographer at that time. These pcitures were taken with a point-and-shoot Minolta APS camera. 30s on ISO800 from a tripod. Wet film!!
Comet Hale-Bopp 1997. Wet-film Minolta. This comet was my brighest comet apart from Hyakutake. It was special because it was standing in the sky the morning I drove to the hospital for my oldest ‘ son’s birth. Februari 15, 1997.
Comet Hale-Bopp 1997
Comet Catalina 10th of December 2015 ; double tail!

Afbeelding Comet Catalina double-tailed 18 january 2016 TS 65APO Nikon D5100 53x 120s
Comet Lovejoy December 6th, 2015 Nikon D5100 8mins ISO400 F4 180mm


Afbeelding bewaard met toegepaste instellingen.
12/3/2013 comet PANSTARRS (click on the image for full)

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