Wide Field & Milky Way

URSA MAJOR constellation from Castellet-en-Luberon in August 2020
Starlink second night
Starlink-first image
StarrySky 3feb2019 30s ISO3200 F6dot7 V2
StarrySky 3feb2019 30s ISO3200 F6dot7
LightsOff 3Feb2019 Nikon D750 30s 24mm iso800 F6dot7
Horse_and_flame 40x180s Nikon D750 Esprit120 F5 ISO800 Meldert SQM2050 APP v6
Maan Venus 4DEC2018
M45 Nikon 180mm F 5.6 ED D750 83x180s no filter SQM 2030 66% St-avg-14292.0s-WC_1_3.0_none-x_1.0_LZ3-NS-full-StSh-add-sc_BWMV_nor-AAD-RL-noMBB_1stLNC_it3-mod-lpc-cbg
January 2018: Pleiades environment with a 180mm Nikon ED IDAS Front filter & Nikon D750 Since September 2017 the sun has barely appear in our skies and the same is true for stars. So there were only three clear nights without a Moon, all three of which I was so lucky to image the sky. On December 16th I could do this picture with the well-known Pleiades, in a wide field setup. I used the EQ8 with the old Nikkor 180mm F2.8 ED unguided. An IDAS 2″ filter in front of the objective was used resulting in an effective F/ratio of 3.8. Lots of stuff can be seen on this picture: not only the Pleiades (“Seven Sisters, daughters of Atlas) and their surrounding blue reflection nebulas, but also the “Interstellar Flux Nebula” of IFN, which is all of the dusty filaments in grey that almost fill the picture, these nebula do emmit light themselves, but merely refelect light from nearby stars. Some red patches of luminous hydrogen gas show up. I’m happy that with a limited integration time, this kind of result is possible from Hoegaarden. Earlier attempts in processing from my side were not nearly as good as this one! Thanks Jean.



August 2017: 50mm Nikkor & Nikon D750 on unguided HEQ5 in Castellet, Vaucluse, France An overview of the Milky Way in Aquila

August 2017 in Castellet, France : Milky Way view in Cygnus with the North-America nebula
Early Milky Way image from Castellet Nikon D5100



June 2017: Milky Way view. Picture taken with a Nikon D750 on a tripod, no guiding.  Sourbrodt, Belgium


Afbeelding bewaard met ingebedde instellingen.
Fish-Eye view of the Milky Way in Castellet, France. Nikon D5100 2015
The ISS passing by over my home
Again the ISS low above the southern horizon in my garden.
Afbeelding bewaard met ingebedde instellingen.
Afbeelding bewaard met ingebedde instellingen.

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