
M81 M82 Esprit 120 F7 3hrs4m exposure
Hickson group in the Lion’s neck
M63 Sun Flower Galaxy
M100 Coma Berenices April 2020
M109-C11-Starizona.jpg May 2020
M81 M82 in Ursa Major
NGC 2903 In Leo April 2020
M66_C11_RGB_ASI183_46x120s_G111 as a test using the C11 without OAG but instead a simple 8×50 guidescope
M94-300S120s-13u20m-March2020-Baader-RGBHa-120mm-Esprit-ASI183mm-Meldert-50 March 2020
NGC3628-Tidal-final-24u10m-@-ISO800-Sharpstar76-Nikon-D750-OptolongPro-Meldert-SQM-20-50 March 2020
M51-Esprit120-ASI183mm-10u10m-Meldert-RGB-Ha-F5-JPG_01-1 MAR2020
M106 Esprit120 ASI183MM 19MAY2019
NGC4565 Esprit120 ASI183 89x120L G111 37x600s ISO800 Nikon D750 RGB Meldert V2
M106 Esprit120 F5 ASI183MM
NGC3628 120mm Esprit ASI183mm Pro LRGB
Leo_Triplet_-avg-24039.0_6h40m_Nikon_D750_800ISO_Esprit120_F7_V1 66% JPG
NGC3628 54x300S 800ISO Nikon D750 Esprit 120mm F7 Dithered JPG 50%
NGC3628 in Leo
M31 Andromeda 141×60 ISO400 Nikkor 180mm ED tF 5.6 racked on a EQ8 with Lacerta MGEN II and SW8x50mm Moon 50% in the sky
And I added a few more hours the night of October 10th, to the first image, using the Esprit 120 F7. In total 122x300s or 10 hours and 10 minutes combined and cropped at 100% image scale

For technical details, please check my Astrobin site!

Click on the images for a larger version

NGC 4565 Imaged April 2018 37x600s C11 Optolong L-Pro Nikon D750 DAW M68OAG ASI174MM guidecam Location: Meldert SQM 20.60

M65 and M66 January 2018 in Leo, C11 Nikon D750
M51 the Whirlpool galaxy in Canes Venatici. Nikon D750 and C11, Starizona LF corrector / click on the image for a larger version
The supernova in the Fireworks Galaxy – May 2017 NGC6846
M51 in Canes Venatici, the well-known Whirlpool galaxy. I’m quit happy with the detail level in the galaxy. However guiding was not good witt odd-shaped stars as a consequence. It’s not an easy job to get 600-second frames guided at 2000mm focal lenght!! It should have anothe try on this one with the EQ8 mount April 27, 2017

NGC 4565

M81 M82 color IFN 35x600s ISO800 Nikon D750 TS65APO 25MAR2017
M81 M82 35x600s ISO800 Nikon D750 TS65APO 25MAR2017 not as stretched
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