M106 added more data

I could add 116 shots of 120 seconds, in an attempt to bring out the outer spiral arms more clear. The total integration time is now over 8 hours and this is the LRGB combination below (all shot from Meldert, Belgium). Click on the picture to go to Astrobin.

These 4 nights were more or less used, there was some high-altitude clouds passing by which not always affect the photometer (click for a larger image)

Seeking the resolution limits of the Esprit

The Eskimo Nebula in Gemini is a very small object. It’s comparable to Jupiter in apparent size. It’s also a lot dimmer then Jupiter so longer exposures are required. The ASI184mmPro has small pixels (smaller then the ASI290) and could, when seeing allows, bring out the finest details. The diameter of the planetary nebula is 48″ !!! Here is my attempt from last Monday:

400x4s Luminance, 140x8s Green, Blue and Red by Gain =333 No Guiding

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