Allsky Images

The All-Sky camera has been in use since May 2021, and is based on a 2.8mm Fujinon fish-eye lens. This lens combined with an ASI183MC camera (uncooled) provides a 180° view on the sky. It is in operation on a permanent basis day and night.

Roughly calculated, the camera is taking about 5000 pictures on a daily basis. Since it’s start of operation (June 1th 2021) till date-of-writing (2 january, 2023), the camera took about 2.905.000 pictures of the sky.

The camera is part of the European Network for meteor detection and got the number EN904.

(Click for Large)

STARTRAILS Night of May 31th to June 1th 2021
Startrails May 15th-16th 2021, with starlink transits and three meteors
Starlink trail on May 19th 2021
ISS Trail on May 19th 2021
De-orbit burn of second stage Falcon 9 of Starlink (long cloud to the right of the Starlink trail, Arcturus in between)
ISS transit May 15-16th
Meteor 15-16th May 2021
Cloud formations on June 2nd

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