December 17th, 2023: Honsem revisited

At last after months of patience, the skies opened up for what possible was an all-night clear weather. The observation site @ Honsem could welcome again – after one year of road works – observers.

A few larger Dobsonians and smaller scopes, including binoculars and image intensifiers were put to good use by observers from the Antwerp region, from Tienen and Meldert.

Up to six agricultural monster machines were spraying their LED lights all over the fields and into the scope and eyes of Bram also.
Lennert and Bram
Alexis and the 50cm
Beautifull Jupiter images
Jef in action
Bram – all the way from Tienen by electric bike.
Bram with the image intensifier looking at the Orion nebula
The SQM measurements from Meldert (distance 1220m from Honsem site). The sqm steadily increased from 2à early evening towards 20,61 around 3am. After 3am clouds and fog drifted in. The public lighting switched on again at 5am, which gives a sudden from of 20.15 to 18.50

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