Testing the TecnoSky AG70

On loan from a friend, I could spend some clear nights with this short-focus flat-field refractor. It has 70mm aperture and 350mm focal lenght, for an F/Ratio of F/4,9. It delivers a nice illuminated field and pinpoint stars almost to the corners of the frame. Some slight blue fringing is present near the corners. Focusing is very critical, and also very temperature-dependent. An autofocuser is almost indispensable to keep control over the focus.

Aldebaran non-cropped FF field without any filters (only stacked and stretched)
Aldebaran in B/W non-cropped fullframe with the Oprolong L-Pro (some fog or high clouds) only stacked and stretched
Cone & Christmas Tree nebulae, in B/W with the Nikon D750 (stitch line visible )
NGC2244 or Rosette Nebula mosaic 3+3 hrs Nikon D750 & TecnoSky 70AG

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