An intermediate NGC3628

This galaxy is the third member of the Leo triplet. During the last nights I could image this with the Esprit120mm and the ASI183MM Pro. This intermediate result is L-filter 6hr36m of data processed in APP and cropped. Best seen by clicking on the image!

NGC3628 ASI183mm Pro + Esprit 120mm + SW Flattener + No Reducer, No Filter

And below is the equivalent image taken with the Nikon D750 DSLR. I had a lot of noise in this 3hrs picture (36x300s), I suspect something went wrong with the dithering. The tidal stream is just visible.

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Testing polar alignement

To prepare for the clear nights to come, I made use of a brief clearance between clouds to test the polar alignement. I connected the ASI174 to the Esprit f=840mm and let PHD2 guide for 4 minutes. The Polar Alignement stabilized on 4 arc minutes

Is that good enough?


And the result of the next night: the PHD2 Guidelog analysed with PECPREP

The PHD2 Guidelog as seen over almost the entire night, 7hours of guiding

The guidelog in more detail, this is another section of the guiding over 2 minutes

The calibration cross of PHD2 seems pretty much ok

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