Lunar landscapes & a poor Jupiter display

I was planning to create a terminator mozaic, unfortunately the size of the AVI’s was soo large, I lost some of these due to file copy mismanagement! Oops. So these three pictures emerged (click on them for full-size)

Mare Humorum: look at these fine rilles, and the big crater Gassendi

Main craters on this southern landscape are: Schiller Clavius and Longomontanus

Sinus Iridum and crater Plato on the northern rim of our Moon

All Lunar images with out Barlow – so native 2700mm focal lenght.

I imaged Jupiter also – way more down to the horizon – with a 2x Barlow, effective focal length 5400mm

Very poor results!

Jupiter on 25-26 May 2018 in poor seeing.

IR image only

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