New Moon Picture!

It was my pleasure to entertain the toddlers of the “Gemeentelijke basisschool Outgaarden” in Hoegaarden yesterday evening. We talked about the stars, the Moon and the Sun. Unfortunately it was clouded, so the telescope stayed inside, and all toddlers could see their reflection inside: that was a lot of fun!

They even made me a little “thank you”:

Moon exploration with the 180mm Maksutov

5 times Vallis Schröteri and the crater Herodotus

5000 frames 20% stacked ASI290mm with a Baader Green filter
5000 frames 20% stacked ASI290mm with a Baader Red filter
5000 frames 20% stacked ASI290mm with a Baader Red filter second round
5000 frames 20% stacked ASI290mm with a Baader Red filter third round
5000 frames 20% stacked ASI290mm with a Baader IR filter
20000 frames 5% stacked ASI290mm with a Baader IR filter

The out-of-focus star test of the Mak during the imaging session of tonight. A slight de-centering is noticeable, as well as a thermal chimney 10 seconds stacked.


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