New images with the 76EDPH

A clear evening, just before the Moon appeared, allowed me to take some more images with the new TS76EDPH. What was really evident was how fast this scope is capturing the photons. A single frame on ISO800 with a Nikon D750, 300 seconds exposure, taken at about 50° above the horizon, would have a DSLR histogram peak about halfway.

Orion Widefield, Nikon D750, TS76EDPH, cropped 10% downsized to 66% about an hour of data in 180″ and 30″ frames. SQM 20, Optolong L-Pro filter in T-ring. MGEN tracking Manual Focus. SQM 20

The file above is an original Nikon D750 FF NEF that was converted to JPG by ViewNX, using a ‘good balance’ quality conversion. The “highest quality” file was too large to upload on the website.

It was lightly stretched. The quality of the file allows to check the star shapes. It is no match for the original NEF quality out-of-camera.

This is the “official” provessed version 🙂 like in Astrobin.

Finalized version 20×180″ ISO800 SQM20 Optolong L -Pro Nikon D750 TS76EDPH

Little Eagle LDN777 in Taurus

It’s a challenge to image dark nebulae in light-polluted Flanders. So let’s try it!

This is the “little eagle” nebula, which I captured a few years ago as a tiny spot on a wide-field Plejades @180mm. Now the framing only features the Eagle head ; imaging with the Esprit and the ASI183mm.

LBN777 Taurus December 2019 29x300S L 10x300sRGB ASI183MM Esprit120 F5 SQM 20.30

It’s a bit dark – but what did you expect from a Dark Nebula? This is 10x300seconds on R, G and B channels and then 29x300s on Luminance. No Light Pollution filter used.

M45 Nikon 180mm ED F5.6 D750 6u 400ISO SQM2015 Meldert Oct2018 NoFilter 66% JPG

This is the overview, with on the right the Pleiades, and on the center left the Eagle Head (upside down).

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